Be certain about your air quality.

Student with mask and bookbag

We specialize in creating healthy learning environments for schools to keep kids safe in the classroom.

Contact us for an onsite, no-obligation facility assessment.

Our engineers will walk your buildings, investigate your equipment, and provide:

  • Actionable steps for improving air quality
  • Opportunities for energy savings
  • Recommendations for improving the learning environment for your students

Measuring Indoor Air Quality

Conducting an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) assessment with a building walk-through will help identify HVAC system issues and potential pollutants. Our professional engineers will assess: 

  • Air Ventilation
  • Air Filtration
  • Outside Air Exchange
  • Humidity
  • Temperature
  • Building Automation Control Systems


What is Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality (IAQ) refers to the quality of the air found within buildings as it relates to the health of building occupants. It is a strong measure of the overall health of a building and is critical to assure your students and staff remaining healthy so that school buildings remain open.


Causes of IAQ Problems

The primary contributor to poor IAQ are indoor pollution sources that release particles into the air. Inadequate ventilation, outside air exchange, or too high or low humidity levels are just a few examples that can compound this effect by not helping to dilute the indoor pollution with proper levels of outdoor air. These factors are not contingent upon active use of a building. In fact, it is critical to monitor IAQ levels for both occupied and unoccupied buildings. For example, buildings that are not in use but remain in constant occupied mode may result in high humidity and mold issues.


How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

There are three basic strategies for improving IAQ:

  1. Source Control: Often the most effective method, this involves eliminating the individual sources of poor IAQ to reduce their emissions within buildings.
  2. Improved Ventilation: This requires lowering the concentration of pollutants by increasing the amount of outdoor air that is circulating within buildings.
  3. Air Purification: Air cleaners are designed to collect indoor air pollutants and filter them out. New and emerging technology is now available, such as needlepoint bipolar ionization and UVC lighting.


Contact Us for an IAQ Assessment

Contact our local engineering team to request a no-obligation facility assessment.